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Too Much Wine?

Please read:  Acts 2 v 1-21 and then pray; Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me today, and enable me to see and rejoice in the wonders of

When the Spirit Comes Down in Power

Please read Acts 2: 1-13 and Isaiah 64: 1-4; then pray these words of Samuel Longfellow (1819-92); Holy Spirit, truth divine, dawn upon this soul of mine; word of God


Please read Acts 1: 12-26 and Matthew 27: 1-10 and then pray; Heavenly Father we bow in your presence. May your Word be our rule; may your Spirit be our

To the ends of the earth

Please read Acts 1 v 1-11 and Luke 24 v 45-53; then pray these words of Charles Wesley: Come Holy Ghost, for moved by Thee, the prophets wrote and spoke:

Peter and John

Please read John chapter 21, then re-read verses 15-25; and pray; O Lord, open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your Word. Peter and John feature prominently

Let’s Go Fishing

Please read the whole of John chapter 21.    Then read v 1-14 once more – and pray; Open our eyes Lord that we may see wonderful things in your Word

My Lord and My God

Please read John 20 v 24-31 – and then pray; Open my eyes Lord that I may see wonderful things in your Word. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the

Behind Locked Doors

Please read: John 20 v 1-18 (which was last Sunday’s reading) Now sit quietly for 2 minutes, and pray these words by William Pennefather (1816-73): Jesus stand among us in

The First to Believe and the First to See

Please read John 20 v1-18 And pray… Lord, open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your word.  Amen. As we open the Holy Scriptures at John chapter