Please read Acts 2: 1-13 and Isaiah 64: 1-4; then pray these words of Samuel Longfellow (1819-92); Holy Spirit, truth divine, dawn upon this soul of mine; word of God
Please read Acts 1: 12-26 and Matthew 27: 1-10 and then pray; Heavenly Father we bow in your presence. May your Word be our rule; may your Spirit be our
Please read Acts 1 v 1-11 and Luke 24 v 45-53; then pray these words of Charles Wesley: Come Holy Ghost, for moved by Thee, the prophets wrote and spoke:
Please read John chapter 21, then re-read verses 15-25; and pray; O Lord, open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your Word. Peter and John feature prominently
Please read: John 20 v 1-18 (which was last Sunday’s reading) Now sit quietly for 2 minutes, and pray these words by William Pennefather (1816-73): Jesus stand among us in
Please read John 20 v1-18 And pray… Lord, open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your word. Amen. As we open the Holy Scriptures at John chapter