Christchurch future vision stemming from LYCIG
The future vision of Christchurch can be summed up in the following mission statement:
To know Jesus, and to make Jesus known.
Together, the Church membership will embrace and support a vision to grow numerically, spiritually and in its compassionate outreach to the Abbeydale / Abbeymead area, and wider community.
We will begin by focusing more on spiritual growth, and the spiritual growth of each member. We will though, seek to steadily grow numerically and in our vision for community outreach, with an initial aim of praying for our main Sunday service to grow to an average attendance of 70-75 adults, plus children, by the beginning of 2025. We will also aim to develop a younger demographic amongst our members. This will be a great and inspiring challenge for Christchurch. Prayer will be key.
In order to achieve this vision, we will, by the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit, with our entire membership, aim to prioritise the following together:
Develop and support a new leadership structure which will seek to inspire new vision and growth in the important areas of:
- Prayer
- Evangelism and Discipleship
- Fellowship (invitation, welcome, friendship and integration)
- Pastoral Care
- Children’s and Youth Work
- Compassionate outreach to the Local Community.
- Communications
The structure will also include an aim and a commitment to preserve and develop good maintenance structures. The Minister will oversee and offer support in the 7 areas, but will concentrate on developing Worship, Leadership and Vision, and Renewal in the Spirit.
We will aim to put in place an annual action plan which stimulates growth in the 7 areas, and includes a balanced emphasis on prayer, presence, proclamation, and persuasion. We will make sure our plan does include opportunities to encourage new people to embrace faith in Jesus and commitment to the Christchurch fellowship.
We will particularly and intentionally aim to develop our skills in invitation, welcome, hospitality and integration.
We will aim to enhance and enrich all our publicity and communication with our members and the wider community and city.
We will seek to grow in our ability to discern what God is saying to us and calling us to do together, especially in our outreach to our local community.
We will aim to take this vision forward in a way that continues to keep unity at the forefront of our vision, and in a way that involves each member of the Church (see below).
We will aim to cover all aspects of this vision and action plan in prayer, seeking the mind of Christ and the blessing and empowerment of the Spirit.
Every member – and our Christchurch vision
Where there is no vision the people perish.
Proverbs 29 v 18
The aim of the vision is to encourage each member of Christchurch to take seriously the following ideas and concepts – summed up by ten important words that emerge from the LYCIG process we have undergone.
Understanding the need to possess a genuine desire for the growth of Christchurch and their own spiritual growth. Each member must seek to grow spiritually.
Understanding the need to pray for growth. Each member must embrace prayer.
Understanding the vital importance of invitation and its connection to growth. Each member must be ready to “invite” others whenever and wherever possible.
Understanding the importance that we are all involved in ensuring every new person and visitor receives the warmest of welcomes. Each member can play their part here.
Understanding the need to nurture fellowship and friendship and to play our part in fellowship and its growth. Each member offers something to the fellowship of Christchurch.
Understanding the need to play my part, use my gifts, support the vision, understand where God wants to use me. Each member has a role.
Understanding the need to listen to God, to be open to His will and the new thing God may want to do. Listening to the local community and discerning its needs, and how Christchurch may address and support those community needs. Each can listen.
Understanding the role each must play in supporting the Minister, the Leadership team, the vision, and both the maintenance and mission of the Church.
Understanding the need for an up-to-date awareness of what is going on in the Church, what is coming up, what the vision is, who does what in Christchurch.
Understanding the need to rejoice, give thanks and celebrate every blessing of growth Christchurch experiences, and every sign of God’s presence and love.
Revd Peter J Clarkson 8th May 2022, and embraced by our Church Meeting on the 20th July 2022.