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Joel 6: Our Repenting and God’s Relenting

Read Joel 2: 12-17 and pray; O Lord of all grace and mercy, open our eyes to see your liberating truth, and open our ears to hear your call to

Joel 5: The Day of the Lord

Please read Joel 2 v 1-11 and then pray; Almighty God, speak to us through your holy Word which is living and active, and sharper than any double- edged sword,

Joel 4: Cut off from the house of the Lord

Please read Joel 1: 8-20 and pray; Sovereign and holy God, your Word is life and light. Renew me through Your life-giving Word and bring light to my understanding, In

Joel 3: Has Anything Like This Ever Happened?

Please read Joel 1 v 1-15 and then pray: God of majesty and splendour, may your holy Word strengthen my faith and witness, and my determination to love You above

Joel 2: A strange and powerful army

(This sermon is dedicated in loving memory of Mrs Audrey Evans 1941-2021) Please read Joel 1 v 1-15 and pray; “Almighty God, we bow in your presence. May your Word

The Resurrection: Fear, Amazement and Wonder

Read Mark 16: 1-8 and then pray; “Lord, open my heart and mind to the magnificent wonder and glory of the resurrection of Jesus. Amen!” Today we are considering the

A Ransom for Many

Please read Mark 10: 32-45, and pray; “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.” Amen. Last Sunday, we were considering the story which provides the main turning point in Mark’s

Who do you say that I am?

Please read Mark 8 v 22- 9 v 1 and pray;  “O Lord, open my eyes that I may clearly see the glorious truth about Jesus and all that he

The Adversary of Jesus

Please read Mark 1 v 1-13, meditating on v 12-13. Then pray; Sovereign Lord, may your holy word strengthen me for all the battles I will face as a child