All sermons

The Compassion of Jesus

Please read Mark 1 v 29-42; then pray; Compassionate and gracious God, may your Word and Spirit challenge and equip me to serve you with all my heart, mind, soul

The Authority of Jesus

Please read Mark 1 v 21-34. Then pray; Lord, we thank you for the authority, power and purity of your Word. May your Word strengthen our faith and empower us

The Baptism of Jesus

Please read Mark 1 v 1-11 and pray; Lord, may your Word always be a light for my path, a bright lamp to safely guide my footsteps into the future;

The beginning of the gospel

Please read Mark 1 v 1-13, then re-read v 1-8. Then pray; O Lord, open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your Word. Amen! As we start

Overcoming Anxiety (5)

Read Matthew 6: 25-34, meditating on v 34 for a few more moments, then pray; Heavenly Father, thank you for your care which surrounds me. As I continue to walk

Overcoming Anxiety (4)

The Blessing of Peace Please read Philippians 4: 6-9 and 2 Thessalonians 3:16-18; then pray: God of peace, as I draw near to you through your Word, I ask you

Overcoming Anxiety (3)

Please read Philippians 4 v 4-9 and pray; God of peace, may your Word lead me into pathways of peace, hope and joy; may the Holy Spirit guide me as

Overcoming Anxiety (2)

Please read Matthew 6 v 25-34 and then pray; “Dear Heavenly Father, may your Word be a light for my pathway and a lamp which guides all my footsteps, now

Overcoming Anxiety (1)

Please read Matthew 6: 25-34; then pray; Lord, open my eyes to see wonderful things in your Word, and open my heart to receive your truth in all its power