Dear friends,

Warmest greetings in the name of Jesus.

I hope you have all enjoyed a good summer period with lots of opportunities for rest and relaxation. We now move into a very busy period in the life of the Church as each of our usual activities resumes with a lot more besides! Please note that during this month Café Church and Know and Grow have swapped Sunday’s. There will be an all-age Café Church on the 17th at 6pm as we seek to encourage all the families connected to BB to draw closer to the regular worshipping life of Christchurch. Reaching out to younger families with children is an important next step in our vision for growth. Please pray for those families and for our further growth as a fellowship.

In the bible, the Church (of which we are a part) is referred to in many ways. It is encouraging and comforting to note all the various ways the Church is described. Here are some of the helpful ways to understand our position before God and our unique relationship to Him.

We are;

  • God’s chosen people (a people specifically belonging to God: 1 Peter 2:9)
  • God’s flock (the sheep under his care: Psalm 100:3)
  • Christ’s body (under his headship: 1 Corinthians 12:27)
  • Christ’s army (under his command – each one a soldier: 2 Timothy 2:3-4)
  • God’s holy nation (yet gathered from all nations: 1 Peter 2:9)
  • God’s holy and royal priesthood (his privileged praying people: 1 Peter 2:9)
  • God’s treasured possession (valued and cherished, kept and guarded: Deuteronomy 7:6)
  • God’s new temple (the residence of the Holy Spirit: Ephesians 2:21)
  • Christ’s Bride (the beloved of Jesus: Revelation 19:7)
  • God’s family (closely bonded to Jesus as brothers and sisters, Jew and Gentile: Ephesians 2:19)
  • God’s servants (ready and obedient: 1 Peter 2:16, 4:10)
  • Christ’s friends (beloved by Jesus, close to Jesus: John 15:15)
  • God’s true worshippers (those who worship God in spirit and in truth: John 4: 23-24)
  • God’s Church (His gathered people united in love and reconciling peace: Ephesians 2: 14-17)
  • God’s anointed ones (each gifted by the Spirit: 1 Corinthians 12: 4-7)
  • God’s heirs (each to inherit eternal life: Romans 8:17)
  • God’s children (each know God as “Abba” Father: Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:6)
  • God’s saints (each one eternally chosen and separated for his purposes: Ephesians 1: 1, 4)
  • God’s subjects (each one under his rule and already part of his kingdom: Colossians 1:13)

The above does not cover every aspect of the Church’s special relationship to God, but it is not a bad start! The Church is unique and enjoys unique blessings, privileges, and responsibilities. What a joy to be part of this exceptional worldwide community of faith, hope, and love.

May God continue to unite us at Christchurch through his Spirit. May God’s peace be with you all.

Yours in Christ, our Head.
