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Resurrection: Messengers on the GO

Resurrection: Messengers on the GO! Please read Matthew 28 and then pray; Almighty God, who raised your Son from death to life, lead us deeper into resurrection hope, joy and

Out of Jericho and into Jerusalem

Out of Jericho and into Jerusalem  Please read Matthew 20: 29 – 21:17 and then pray; Almighty God, as I come before your Word, grant me the ability to understand

Massah and Meribah

Massah and Meribah: Do not harden your hearts Please read Exodus 17: 1-7, then pray; Almighty God, you are my Rock and my Salvation. Guide my footsteps this Lent as

Nicodemus: Night Becomes Day

Nicodemus: Night Becomes Day Please read Genesis 12 v 1-4 and John 3 v 1-17 and then pray; “Living God, open my eyes and my heart to receive your living

Let Your Light Shine

Let your light shine Please read Matthew 5 v 13-16 and then pray; Almighty God, I believe with the Psalmist that “the unfolding of your words gives light; it gives

Isaiah’s Second Servant Song: Going Global

Please read Isaiah 49: 1-7 and John 1: 29-34 and then pray; Almighty God, whose Word is sharper than any sword, inspire and strengthen me through your Word to live

Let it be so now!

Please read Matthew 3: 13-17 and Isaiah 42: 1-9 and then pray; Gracious God, as we continue to step forward into this new year, strengthen, guide and inspires us through

The One who was to come

Please read Isaiah 35 v 1-10 and Matthew 11 v 1-15 and then pray; Almighty God, open my eyes to see wonderful things in your Word, things that prophets longed

From the stump of Jesse

Please read Isaiah 11: 1-10 and Matthew 1: 1-17, and then pray; Almighty God, Sovereign over all creation, open my eyes to see something of the wonder of your masterplan

Persisting and wrestling in prayer

Please read Genesis 32 v 22-32 and Luke 18 v 1-8 and then pray; Merciful God, whose word is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path,